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An introduction to approximable triangulated categories and representability theorems
作者:张耀华      发布时间:2025-01-14       点击数:
报告时间 1月14日周二 15:30-16:30 报告地点 爱游戏官方网站 201
报告人 陈红星

报告名称:An introduction to approximable triangulated categories and representability theorems

报告专家:陈红星 教授


报告时间:1月14日周二 15:30-16:30

报告地点: 爱游戏官方网站201

专家简介: 陈红星,首都师范大学数学科学学院教授、德国洪堡学者。2021年获国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金。主要从事代数表示论和同调代数的研究,在经典同调猜想(如Nakayama猜想和Tachikawa第二猜想)与同调维数三角范畴与导出范畴、无限维倾斜理论、范畴的结构与等价等方面取得了一系列的研究成果,论文发表在Compos.Math., Proc.Lond.Math.Soc., Trans.AMS等国际数学杂志。

报告摘要:The theory of approximable triangulated categories was introduced and developed by Amnon Neeman since 2018. This language of approximability has proved to be very useful in settling several open problems and conjectures on strong generation of triangulated categories. Another surprising application of approximability is the establishing of representability theorems for approximable triangulated categories which cover unbounded derived categories of modules over ordinary rings or of quasi-coherent sheaves over nice schemes. In this talk, we give a preliminary introduction of approximable triangulated categories and try to generalize

some results shown by Neeman.

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